Overcoming passive resistance to disruptive technologies

One of the biggest complaints from my B2B sales and marketing clients is, "... deals take too long to close!"

Very often it is because somebody is secretly undermining you because they feel threatened in some way. 

Sometimes it's legitimate (cue sound of an AI Robot coughing), but mostly it's paranoid fear of the unknown.

There are many ways to scuttle your deal and there ARE solutions to all of them... Hint: they are all your responsibility to communicate better.

Cut Bait to Reel in Better Fish

The most difficult answer for people to accept is to realize when it is obvious that you can't win and write them off your list, cut bait, and focus your attention on more qualified prospects!

But don't give up too soon ... start by acknowledging the truth.

Disruptive technologies like AI and blockchain presents a dual-edged sword.

On one hand, they offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency; on the other, they pose a direct threat to established roles and operations, particularly for intermediaries accustomed to traditional business models. 

The key to harnessing these technologies lies in proactive adaptation and strategic communication.

To navigate passive resistance and undermining behaviors, it's imperative to foster open channels of communication that permeate all levels of decision-making within a prospective company. Walk the halls with intention!

This involves crafting tailored narratives (leverage those AI robots) that resonate with adjacent departments, from executives to operational staff, ensuring that each sees the unique value proposition from their vantage point. Product/Market Fit only works when you have agreement around your company's Flywheel.

When it comes to "transparency tech" like Blockchain, the efficient disclosure of accurate data will inspire most leaders. Again, be empathetic because you are also adding more fear to some in their teams.

Steps to resist resistance:

This is your responsibility AND opportunity...

- Enhanced Dialogue: Engage in more frequent and transparent conversations to build trust and dispel fears.

- Strategic Storytelling: Acknowledge the different perspectives and craft compelling reasons for change that align with each individual's role and concerns.

- Collaborative Approach: Involve all parties in the decision process, creating a sense of ownership and alignment with the proposed solutions.

By positioning these technologies as tools for empowerment rather than displacement, you will differentiate yourself and discover the obstacles to your journeys towards Sales and Customer Success.

Leverage threats into catalysts for growth and innovation.

Turn skepticism into collaboration!

We are working on a community that respects this journey.

Contact me to discuss your options.


Growth Actions: DavidCutler.net 
Web3 Applied: TruthRefinery.com 
Circular Partners: CircularLabs.io

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