Innovation + Support = Success

Success from invention is The Innovator's Dilemma ... complex and lonely. 
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Business Developers can draw inspiration from the patronage systems of the past, where powerful individuals and organizations supported artists, writers, and innovators. 
  • Queen Elizabeth I supported Shakespeare and the arts.
  • Lorenzo de' Medici patronized Botticelli and Michelangelo.
  • Pope Paul III backed Michelangelo's iconic works.

However, today, there are similar patterns that enable smart leaders to "hotwire" their best geniuses ...
Corporate Sponsorships: Companies partner with events, organizations, and individuals to associate their brand with innovation and thought leadership.
Strategic Partnerships: Businesses collaborate to achieve mutual goals and expand their reach.
Incubators and Accelerators: Programs provide resources and funding to early-stage companies, often in exchange for equity and influence.
Grants and Fellowships: Organizations offer funding and recognition to innovators and thought leaders.
The best are leveraging new tech and techniques...
  • AI-powered Sales Tools: Enhancing sales performance and productivity.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Informing sales strategies and decision-making.
  • Digital Platforms: Facilitating connections and collaborations.

The Intersection of Patronage and Technology
Institutes like the Broad Institute and the Whitehead Institute exemplify modern patronage by supporting groundbreaking research and fostering innovation. They provide funding, resources, and a collaborative environment, enabling scientists to translate discoveries into practical applications and businesses.
Effective Methods of Supporting Geniuses
Supporting geniuses requires mechanisms that provide transformational resources without restriction, effectively "hot-wiring" their potential. J.C.R. Licklider at Xerox PARC is a prime example, as his vision and support led to the web itself ARPANET, interactive computing with graphically user interface (GUI), and Ethernet The foundational check for local area networks (LAN).
Eliminating Bureaucracy
Removing red tape And distractions, organizations can foster an environment where geniuses can thrive. Technical infrastructure itself can also be designed for growth. Amazon, which uses a modular infrastructure, allows for greater flexibility and innovation compared to Walmart's more linear structure.
The Importance of a Gift Culture
Incorporating a "gift culture" within organizations can further enhance innovation and collaboration. This culture encourages sharing knowledge and resources freely, fostering a supportive environment where everyone can contribute to and benefit from collective success.
By recognizing the historical roots of patronage and embracing the latest technologies and techniques, we can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and success.

Reach out to discuss your options.
Particularly if you are one of my tech friends.


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