New Power of Your Why

What is your "Why?" ... Simon says that focusing on it will give us, and our companies, the purpose and drive we deserve. It might even be a Movement. 

In the current "Reputation Economy," get inspired by the new rules in New Power ( and inspire people to participate in your shared goals.

You do not need to actually start a Movement... just tap into the mechanisms and tactics of related flows. These 3 lines are key:

1) In the new power world we need solution seekers and not problem solvers. We need shapeshifters and not disruptors

2) Many new power structures will not work without the reputation systems that manage risk and rewards collaborative behavior

3) It's only a movement if it moves without you.

Check out the first few chapters here

This is a short video outlining the 10 elements needed to start your Movement from our friends at Strawberry Frog

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