Why Texas Bob? Answered...

Here you go Boston - direct from the horses' mouth ... that's Texas Cowboy talk because below is an excerpt from my recent interview with Bob Metcalfe about why HE SAYS he moved to Austin.

But first, here are the results from the clever survey y'all took about why YOU thought he headed south:
(Click to enlarge)
46% of you voted "UT has over 50,000 students and a top-10 engineering school, of which Bob will also be Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering." 2nd was an easy "There is no income tax in Texas." Followed with the one that captured Bob best...Austin, like Boston, is also the state capital, but they allow Republicans there.

Here is what Bob actually said about his reasons:
"Our moving to Austin was a perfect storm of reasons.  First, after 10 years as a VC, it was time for a change of scenery, for my fifth 10-year career change.  After three years of giving my Enernet talk at universities far and wide, "professor" emerged as my next job title.  The University of Texas at Austin is a top-10 engineering school (I am an engineer at heart) with a dean and faculty who turned out to welcome someone wanting to be professor of "innovation."  Further, UT has a well-endowed Chair of Free Enterprise, which suits what progressives in Massachusetts call my "leanings."  Further still, both UT and Polaris were agreeable to my affiliating with the other -- I am now also a Venture Partner at Polaris after exactly 10 years as General.  Further still, my wife Professor Robyn and I spend a lot of time outdoors, so Austin, duh.  Then there's my interest in solving energy, which resonates with Texas being the energy state.  Add to that the seething innovation environment that is Austin, Whole Foods, Dell, SXSW, 6th Street, Lance Armstrong, Willie Nelson, daily Nerd Birds among San Jose, Boston, and Austin, and it was a done deal.  But I'm not about to turn on Boston, just as when I arrived in Boston in 1994 I didn't turn on Silicon Valley.  There's still MIT, where I am a Life Trustee, and Polaris, and four of my five Polaris enertech companies, and the seething innovation environment that is Boston.  I'll be back.  Thanks to David Cutler and you for your interest in my reasons for moving from Baustin to Austin."
 Lastly, here are the 20 commetss written into the "Other" section - these are a hoot:
See ya soon partner.