Prediction Season

It's prediction season again... Here is my prediction about what the predictions will be about. The current flurry of Tech/Web prognostications should revolve around these three:

1 - Location independence, mobility and remote work
(Mobile phones and Cloud Computing - be anywhere you should)

2 - Standards and interoperability across your gear
(Easier collaboration... play nicer)

3 - Predictive Patterns and analytics
(They know thyself)

What should you focus on? #3 is really about the most important agenda of measuring and maximizing ROI. Since, Return On Investment is the hot topic, we made it the subject of our own "Social Media for B2B" presentation last week. See it below or HERE.

I am keeping an eye on an area that combines all 3 - Smart Infrastructure ... it's all about efficiency and convenience... from voice activation to automated remote sensors. Applications of this "creative technology" are being used in Smart Cities

Get SoMe ("Social Media"):

Jeremiah Owyang from Altimeter shared his recent presentation called, Social Business Forecast: 2011 The Year of Integration. This slide below asked Corporate Social Strategists: “What internal social strategy objectives will you focus most on 2011?”
(Click to enlarge)

Lots to discuss here... particularly on how to incorporate the below elements to you agenda of being a Social Business ...

Now, for some fun with the "future" subject ... here is that parody video of Microsoft's vision.