He Sells - She Sells - We All Sell...

I am putting summertime at the seashore on hold for a few minutes to share a Marketing Sherpa study about How Organizations Manage the Pipeline from Lead to Sale.

How do you compare? What solutions are you finding most valuable? Stay tuned because I am testing Hubspot to check out their platform for content management, SEO, and closed-loop sales tracking.

It is important to get feedback from Sales about leads. Yes, this is hard (no, not because salespeople are a pain) but the system needs to make this easy and rewarding. What is your incentive to hear about bad leads?

Sherpa says: "Closely aligning marketing and sales is essential to creating a productive new business pipeline. As this chart demonstrates, many marketing and sales organizations are collaborating at the shallow end of the pool " by mutually engaging in best practices like defining what a sales-ready lead is " but few are diving deeper to make the pipeline flow in both directions."