Advertising is Failure

I really am an optimist eager to find the good... but my "writer friend" Jeff Jarvis is at it again. After his Googlitis the target is once again Advertising. Watch the first of 3 videos below (all are here).

His point is that a brand only needs advertising after they fail to engage their customers and earn loyalty and advocacy - lessening the need for the current expensive model of Ad Agencies. Will they shift to help give consumers what they really want... such as, less TV spots, more "Google Juice"...?.

One key issue is that Agencies have been campaign driven and have not historically responsible for their client's long term relationships with customers. Greg Smith of Neo@Ogilvy does have a key answer in his MediaWeek article where he looks under the hood of the kind of analytics and "intelligent software" that marketers (not necessarily Ad Agencies) are becoming experts in.

Sean Corcoran nails this issue in his very relevant Forrester report “Using Social Applications In Ad Campaigns.” Longterm customer relationships are not for every brand, but if you want it you have to commit the resources.

The videos are classic Jarvis - Jeff does admit that ads support his beloved media - so failure is a virtue...