Mezmerized By Beer... Through Science

If you haven't already, please check out The Cambridge Science Festival - Yes, fun (and intelligent) for the whole family!

Yesterday I was invited by my deep-techie friends at the must-read Xconomy to a most fascinating and tasty event at the MIT Museum called "Brewing Innovation."

With all the biztech conversation, we should call it Beer Storming!

Sam Adams shared both beer and ideas... Yeast has been used in the research of diseases from cancer to Alzheimer’s as well as cutting edge emerging energy work. Jim Koch, Boston Beer Company Founder, entertained us with a fun perspective on the history and science of brewing

Here is an excerpt of Jim. I was hypnotized (and, obviously, imbibing):

Dr. Gerald R. Fink of the Whitehead Institute brought us deeper into related Biofuel research.

Thankfully, there was thorough sampling of "the subject" with several brew varieties on hand ... and in a very cool parting-gift - newly designed beer glasses!

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