A random selection of Digital tips and tricks
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Let me know if you are in Cambridge any Thursday afternoon. Stop by CIC/Kendall at One Broadway ...we can meet before the tech nerd bizdev frat party here at https://venturecafecambridge.org/ ... which flows with the innovative entrepreneurial spirit... oh, yes, and free craft beer & wine between 3-8pm
Search for Google Sheets. Put this in:
site:docs.Google.com/spreadsheets "anything... targets, competitors, etc"
Be helpful and make sure your email address is listed in your email "signature" for every send.
5 Steps to a Perfect Presentation:
Of course, https://www.google.com/alerts
http://finance.yahoo.com/ ,
Mobile App Recon:
Know what a site is BuiltWith
What Software to use (SaaSy!):
Insight Recon:
Lifehacker is the best. Simple evaluation of news and tricks
Product Hunt provides curated recommendations to the best stuff
Pocket is my favorite save-for-later reading app. I also share my favorites at http://bit.ly/DavidCutlersPocket
Safety first (use your car's blinker) and test questionable URLs at:
Be helpful and make sure your email address is listed in your email "signature" for every send.
5 Steps to a Perfect Presentation:
- Name the enemy
- Why now? (for your solution)
- Show the promised land (before explaining how you will get there)
- Identify obstacles and how to overcome
- Tell the truth... show evidence
Topic and People Recon:
Of course, https://www.google.com/alerts
https://www.voilanorbert.com (few free)
https://leadferret.com/search (clunky)
https://aevy.com/ (fee)
http://owler.com (free and startupy)
Corp Recon:
https://www.voilanorbert.com (few free)
https://leadferret.com/search (clunky)
https://aevy.com/ (fee)
http://owler.com (free and startupy)
Corp Recon:
http://finance.yahoo.com/ ,
Content Recon:
Robots first...
AI is our friend - https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt
Simplified simplifies writing
Copy.ai gives specific contact ideas
Let Wordtune robots help your writing
Writesonic has lots of cool tools for your copy and pictures
EU's robots prefer Neuroflash
Visual search..
https://trends.google.com/ shows what people are searching for... Comparing terms is interesting
Search Words displayed in hub and spoke
Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus (free test)
Access Alliteration Again https://alliteration.me/synonym.html
Bob shares the best tips on writing
Use gooder words with thesaurus.com
Find even more options at https://relatedwords.org/
Use gooder words with thesaurus.com
Find even more options at https://relatedwords.org/
Surprisingly Powerful Thesaurus: https://www.onelook.com/
Because English is to hard - https://brians.wsu.edu/common-errors/
Because English is to hard - https://brians.wsu.edu/common-errors/
Find words from random letters with https://www.allscrabblewords.com
Change the CAPITALIZATION or not https://convertcase.net/
Another Text Fixing Configurator:
https://mconverter.eu/ - Securely convert files online in bulk.
Graph the history of any words at https://books.google.com/ngrams
Find royalty-free art pictures at pixabay.com and unsplash.com
Find royalty-free art pictures at pixabay.com and unsplash.com
Free music and sounds from https://freesound.org/
Content creation tools listed:
Tech Recon:
Free PDF tools
What is better than what you are using? https://alternativeto.net/
LISTS OF TOOLS https://onlinelisttools.com/
PDF Tools for free - https://tools.pdf24.org/en/
Quick Twitter assessment of a #ashtag
Know what a site is BuiltWith
What Software to use (SaaSy!):
Insight Recon:
Lifehacker is the best. Simple evaluation of news and tricks
Product Hunt provides curated recommendations to the best stuff
Quora: Search for your keywords in a
search box of Quora, and you will get unlimited ideas for your blog content.
Infographic awesomeness - visualcapitalist.com
Pundit Recon:
Awesome content producers I try to keep up with:
- Best Data Scientist for Marketing is Chris Penn
- Chris Walker give Sales Revenue secrets away
- it used to be Seth
- It was Casey for a while
- Now sometimes garyvaynerchuk.com/
- Business Insider has a must-see daily
- A16z podcasts are too smart and too fast
- Scott Monty's weekly 15 minute podcast
- Business Insider has a must-see daily
- A16z podcasts are too smart and too fast
- Scott Monty's weekly 15 minute podcast
Random Recon:
Create your graphics with https://www.canva.com
Blog topic generator:
Enter your keyword and it will give you post ideas.
Google Trends: Check the currently trending topics or find the search trend for any keyword of your choice.
BuzzSumo : Enter a website or a topic to find the most shared and engaging content.
Free slide templates (see green "free" link) https://www.presentationgo.com/ and https://www.slidescarnival.com/Pocket is my favorite save-for-later reading app. I also share my favorites at http://bit.ly/DavidCutlersPocket
A Marcom Trello Board https://trello.com/b/2WfXtByI/the-online-marketing-checklist
What are your business and personal Principles?
Are they awesome like Adam's at Firefield?
Use (and track clicks! www.bitly.com to shorten URLs and make them attractive - Like this: http://bit.ly/The_Best_Tech_Tips
See these options when you are looking for inspiration around your next video
Crystal Knows provides a-little-creepy-but-helpful psychological profiles thru Linkedin of your prospects... Friends... Yourself!
Harness digital marketing by reading www.SmarketingConnect.com ... then learn enough to know how to work with a professional expert that will REALLY help you harness digital marketing.
Selling requires you know your customers (duh). Use this "Persona" template.
Digital Marketer Cheat Sheet - now 26 of them:
The Mutha Load - www.bit.ly/16_Essential_Marketing_Models
Know your audience... Duh. Now you need to know your audience with a phone in their hand. Please understand the data on their digital usage. See this huge list of NextWeb research
Snarky truths to share with friends - http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html
What are your business and personal Principles?
Are they awesome like Adam's at Firefield?
Use (and track clicks! www.bitly.com to shorten URLs and make them attractive - Like this: http://bit.ly/The_Best_Tech_Tips
See these options when you are looking for inspiration around your next video
Crystal Knows provides a-little-creepy-but-helpful psychological profiles thru Linkedin of your prospects... Friends... Yourself!
Harness digital marketing by reading www.SmarketingConnect.com ... then learn enough to know how to work with a professional expert that will REALLY help you harness digital marketing.
Selling requires you know your customers (duh). Use this "Persona" template.
Digital Marketer Cheat Sheet - now 26 of them:
The Mutha Load - www.bit.ly/16_Essential_Marketing_Models
Know your audience... Duh. Now you need to know your audience with a phone in their hand. Please understand the data on their digital usage. See this huge list of NextWeb research
Snarky truths to share with friends - http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html
Options for posting your decks - www.bit.ly/Testing_Slide_Formats
Small Biz Vendor Ratings (Net Promoter Score)
Competitive Analysis Advice
Check if your website is Mobile-friendly HERE
Also - http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog/2015/07/14/website-launch-checklist/
Searching techniques to really see how amazing Google is
For your heart/head...
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." See 99 more http://ow.ly/3xw8eO
This one can be freaky so I hide it down here... sign into your Google and see where you have been:
Small Biz Vendor Ratings (Net Promoter Score)
Competitive Analysis Advice
Check if your website is Mobile-friendly HERE
Also - http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog/2015/07/14/website-launch-checklist/
Searching techniques to really see how amazing Google is
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." See 99 more http://ow.ly/3xw8eO
This one can be freaky so I hide it down here... sign into your Google and see where you have been: