GET BANT! Timing is everything

As we talk about the best materials and methods to communicate your message... a key concept is making sure you are talking with the right people about the right topics... at the right time. 

So, here is a classic... You need to know their:

BANT = Budget - Authority - Need - Timing.

"Bant" is fun to say… but the truth is the reverse:

T - What is THEIR Timing
N - Do they REALLY Need you?
A - Who has the Authority to approve?
B - Then you can get creative with their Budget

Since "Timing" is the first step (but "tanb" isn't as fun to say), make sure you understand their personal and professional timeline. For that minute... and for that time of year.

You are showing that you care by simply asking them. You should also keep an eye on their PR/activities (and changes in the market) by setting up Google Alerts - - to email yourself about them and their competitors in the news.

Know their company calendars, budget and buying season, and the annual cycles in their industry...

To dig deeper into how to qualify and really help your prospects, read this overview from Peter at Hubspot about how BANT is NOT enough.

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