The Shoe Fits... Everywhere?

(See our update on the "why" and "how" of Mobile Marketing HERE)

It's happening. This is the year we "Get Smart" about Mobile Marketing. The ANA and MMA survey shows that 88% of Brands are giving Mobile Marketing the love it deserves.

And customers are doing what they are supposed to - 62% of the respondents to an Adobe survey said that they have bought physical goods from their smartphone devices in the last six months.

Proximity Marketing has arrived. Location is the new "cookie."


Can you find a place where Mobile does NOT fit into your business?... where convenient access to info and communications makes sense...

As we discuss your company's Mobile Marketing Business Model, consider who is currently making money across the entire mobile ecosystem from Best Buy to Verizon to researchers. Then take a look at the below MMA Global image (thanks Mike) for inspiration. 

Consider YOU across these 10 areas of cash flow:

1) Service -Verizon, AT&T, Tracfone
2) Device and Equipment – Apple, Samsung, Beacons, accessories
3) Retail - Amazon, Best Buy, Newegg
4) Applications (Purchase and Subscription) - iTunes, Google, WSJ
5) Events and Demonstration - CES, MMA
6) Implementation and integration – Enterprise, SaaS, Training
7) Advertising – National, Local – Revenue Sharing
8) Transactions – General (Retailers), Vertical ( Investors)
9) Analysis - Research and insight - Forrester, Google,...
10) Fictional Organizations - Control or Chaos?
... "Get Smart" joke...

(click to enlarge)

The Graduate (here for Netflixers) is a great movie with wonderful "coming of age" issues nailed... hard. Watch the below short clip for heartfelt advice from Mr. McGuire for 1967. What would that one word be today? Say it with me, "Mobile."
