A few years ago I made up a term, "Netweaving" = Connecting people while positioning yourself as a valuable resource.
Below is an updated definition after reading a great new book by my friend Gordon Curtis called Well Connected (Amazon). After years of cocktail conversation, he finally outlines the simple, practical steps to solve the chaos of business - by concentrating on fewer but deeper relationships.
The subtitle gives you a clue on why I was inspired to re-visit my definition, "An Unconventional Approach to Building Genuine, Effective Business Relationships."
NetWeaving flips your agenda by simply saying, "What can I do for you?" rather than "What can you do for me?" The results are surprisingly valuable when people involve themselves in others' needs. It might be one of the most important definitions of COMMUNITY.
In traditional networking, you show up to work the room and try to make a few contacts. At a NetWeaving event, all the people in the room are trying to make connections for each other.
It's more than a nifty philosophy of "what goes around, comes around." This attitude shift helps give you the key to business success - a direct understanding of the needs of others.
It's more than a nifty philosophy of "what goes around, comes around." This attitude shift helps give you the key to business success - a direct understanding of the needs of others.
Plus you get the benefits of being challenged to exercise your full range of resources - interests, insights, and contacts.
As Social Networks grow, there are new techniques to turn quantity into quality. Mobile App solutions are awkward but AI is being built into attendee databases for more accurate and timely matchmaking. The key is to integrate with your activities so they're up to date. The trick is to use them.
Give it a go ... Move around and start a conversation by asking "What were you hoping to get out of this event?"
Discover opportunities to bring new people together. BE THE CONNECTOR. Post and poke your network about specific opportunities to meet, and perhaps help, someone relevant to them.
Appreciative people will increasingly confide in you to clarify their needs. That's where you get the truth about where you can really participate.
Netweave your network.... add your value and increase the quality of the connected users in your version of this techie definition of "network value" - Metcalfe's Law.
Netweave your network.... add your value and increase the quality of the connected users in your version of this techie definition of "network value" - Metcalfe's Law.
If you want to bring this to your Sales team, let me know. I'm happy to share my favorite cheat sheets and role-playing scenarios.
Good luck Netweaving to put the fun in function!
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