- The MMA mobile site: http://mma.madmobilehost.com/
- Text MMAFORUM to 21534 to get info.
- Twitter = #MMAF2010
- Pics - Email your MMA Forum pictures to mmaforum@aerva.com and look for them on the screens!
- Text Your Questions - Text MMA plus your question to 51340
- Polling: Text POLL and your choice to 51340 to vote.
- Alerts: Text MMA to 34383 to receive updates about the MMA Forum (June 7-9). Up to 5 messages per day.
Fine Print (because we all should):
Standard message rates may apply. Text HELP to 51340 or see T&Cs www.aerva.com/sms/legals for more information. Text STOP to 51340 to opt-out. Msg&Data Rates May Apply. You will receive one-one messages.