Kodak is letting you be there ... well, at least your picture on their huge screen in the middle of Times Square!
This goes a step beyond User Generated Content (UGC)... this is UCC - User Controlled Content!
Aerva was chosen to help power the process with their Pic2Screen service. It is really easy - just email your photo to kodak@aerva.com - you will be sent a code so you can "mobile text trigger" your picture to be up when you want it. They let you see it several times for maximum "exposure." Don't forget your text message in the Subject line of your email - it will be put up with your picture - Way cool!
See Kodak's Blog by Tom to get details - share this link with your friends: www.tinyurl.com/kodakTS
You can try this anytime... whether you are in Time Square for New Years Eve or not. Check out this EarthCam to see your picture live - whenever you trigger it,
Watch a video of Rafael, one of Aerva's developers, controlling the billboard with a text message!
See it on the EarthCam or on your next trip to Times Square... Let me know when you can join us for the perfect view, drinks, or more - at the stunning Renaissance Hotel Times Square (the Kodak sign is right there - behind the American Flag)
All fans of Times Square should check out the official site HERE