Cool and smart at Ogilvy Digital Labs

Ogilvy has it going on in NYC at the launch of their Digital Labs with some of the most forward thinking AND valuable new media service providers... see their overview of the event here.
Aerva has been selected to be center stage during the entire presentation. Most of Aerva's features will be used, such as:
  • Multi-framed video and interactivity from any phone
  • Any Web content to any screens
  • Live polling and instant results
  • Txt and Twitter 2 screen
  • Pic 2 screen
  • Txt reply back to participant's phones for automatic engagement and lead generation with calls-to-action, coupons, links, and media

Here is an overview montage of Ogilvy Lab participants in action:

Not a bad warm up to the Aerva and Advertising Week partnership next week. See more below.

For Fun, here is a 2:00 video of the day (using my Kodak Zi6, of course)

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